When you take out an insurance policy, be it for a valuable electrical item or to protect against faults and damages in your property, you expect a service to match your outlay.
At Repair Force, we are experienced in unravelling the complexities of insurance policies and we know that our customers who experience faults throughout the duration of their cover need a fast, proactive repair service.
Our aim is to fix faults and carry out repairs as smoothly and quickly as we can in order to minimise disruption. We have worked alongside insurance companies for many years and our staff are fully trained on processes when carrying out repairs on behalf of insurance companies.
The staff in our London-based office will always keep you informed and up to date with the progress and status of the works.
Please click on any of the Our Services links on the right to take you to the relevant page of the Repair Force website. You’ll find out about each individual service as well as contact details and information on how to book online.